Release candidate
Standard installation
Windows Server

Offline installation


Minimum system requirements

Passwork is not resource-demanding, and the number of required servers depends on the number of active users, the amount of data stored and the system fault tolerance requirements.

Preparing the environment for offline installation

Before installing Passwork, you need to get the components and module, then use Install-Passwork -Method offline, which will do the installation.

Obtain the following components and move them to Windows Server:

Copy the certificate number from the Passwork customer portal and get the release candidate version in a web browser —

Then open PowerShell as "Administrator":

And unzip the PowerShell module to the default directory:


Create directory for components and archives:


Move components and archives to passwork_component. The file location structure should look as follows:



Run the offline installation of Passwork:


The script will perform a user rights check and install and configure the components. If errors occur, the PowerShell shell will display the errors:

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Once complete, the address to connect to Passwork via a web browser will be displayed. This is what a successful installation looks like:

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Setup wizard

Once installed and configured, Passwork will be available at https://your_servername

By default, Passwork uses a self-signed certificate that is automatically generated during installation, so the first time you open the page you will see a message saying that the browser does not trust the certificate of the site.

Choose language

As the first step, the system will offer to choose the interface language:

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Server configuration ckecklist

The checklist of parameters will show if all necessary components are installed on your server:

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Database connection

Change the connection to MongoDB to the address — mongodb://localhost:27017

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Passwork configuration

Passwork will generate a new key for server encryption. If Passwork is connecting to an existing database, specify the encryption key to be used:

Please use a key generated by Passwork. Using keys generated by third-party tools may cause errors.

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License key

You can download the license keys in your Passwork Customer Portal or request them from your managers:

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Setting up your own SSL certificate

By default, Passwork generates a self-signed certificate. After installation, you can switch to using full SSL certificates.

Use your own certificate

  • For certificates issued by a trusted issuer.
  • For certificates issued by domain certification authorities of your organization.

Open "Server Manager" → "Tools" → "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager" → "Server Certificates" → and click "Import":

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After importing, go to the Passwork website, open "Bindings" and select the imported web certificate for the HTTPS protocol:

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Configure background tasks

Background tasks are tasks that are executed by the scheduler in the background. For example, LDAP synchronisation, loading favicons, and other tasks that are time-consuming, persistent, or resource-demanding.

See a guide on setting up background tasks.

Updated 07 Mar 2025
Doc contributor
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