Release candidate
Standard installation

Offline installation


Docker installation

Download and install Docker. The minimum required version is 18.06.0. Official installation article —

Install and enable the Docker Compose plugin if it has not been installed previously. The official installation article —

We recommend using a non-Snap version of Docker

Preparing the environment for offline installation

If the server has 2-4 GB of RAM, we recommend enabling a SWAP file, as the build reserves memory for tmpfs and opcache.

To install Passwork, you need to download the files and a script that will perform the necessary steps for installation.

  • Create a directory and open it:

Obtain the following components:

Copy the certificate number from the Passwork customer portal and get the release candidate version in a web browser —

Move the downloaded files to the Linux server in the directory, where you plan to install Passwork — your_directory

In the created directory create a subdirectory — passwork_images


Move *.tar image archives to — passwork_images


The structure of files and folders will look like this:


User rights verification and script execution

If you are installing not as root, make sure that the user is a member of the docker group.

You can do it using the following method:


You can add a user to the docker group like this:


Running the offline installation script

  • Assign execution rights to the script:

  • In the directory — your_directory run the installation script with the -o flag

The script will automatically execute docker ps. Please check the list of running containers. If the containers were not started, please check the installation output and log. Example of a correct output:

Document image

Setup wizard

After building and running the containers, Passwork will be available at the following link: https://your_servername

By default, Passwork uses a self-signed certificate that is automatically generated during installation, so when you first open the page, you will see a message that the browser does not trust the site's certificate.

Choose language

As the first step, the system will offer to choose the interface language:

Document image

Server configuration checklist

The checklist of parameters will show if all necessary components are installed on your server:

Document image

Database connection

You must use the default MongoDB address to connect:

Document image

Passwork configuration

Passwork will generate a new key for server encryption. If you are connecting Passwork to an existing database, specify the existing encryption key:

Do not enter a key that was generated outside of Passwork. Passwork uses special secure algorithms to generate new keys in appropriate formats. Using keys generated by third-party tools may result in incorrect operation.

Document image

License key

You can download the license keys on Passwork customer portal or request them from your managers:

Document image

Additional steps after installation

  • After the script is finished, check that the new installation is working properly.
  • To add mail server or LDAPS root certificates to trusted certificates, copy the .pem or .crt root certificates to the ./conf/custom_ca directory and restart the PHP container — docker compose restart passwork_php
  • To change the SSL certificate used, copy the certificate/certificate chain to ./conf/ssl/fullchain.pem and the private key to ./conf/ssl/privkey.pem, restart the Nginx container — docker compose restart passwork_nginx