Passwork update
Installation migration
Migration to Docker
Old Docker migration to new
These instructions are intended for a single Passwork installation and are not suitable for a fault-tolerant solution
- Check the installed version of Passwork — cat /server/sites/prod/app/config/config.php | grep version. If the version is:
- Go to the Passwork directory and create a directory for the files — cd /server/docker-compose/ && mkdir old_docker
- Create a MongoDB backup:
- Local installation (MongoDB) without authorisation — docker-compose exec -T db sh -c 'mongodump --archive' > "./old_docker/my.dump"
- Local installation (MongoDB) with authorisation — docker-compose exec -T db sh -c 'mongodump --archive --authenticationDatabase admin --username=your-admin --password=your-password' > "./old_docker/my.dump"
- Installing (MongoDB) on a separate server — docker-compose exec -T db sh -c 'mongodump --host your-host:your-port --archive --authenticationDatabase admin --username=your-admin --password=your-password' > "./old_docker/my.dump"
- Create a copy of the configuration file config.ini — cp /server/sites/prod/app/config/config.ini ./old_docker/
- Create a copy of the license key passwork-*.keys — cp /server/sites/prod/app/keys/*.keys ./old_docker/
If Docker installation will use the same domain name and SSL certificate as the previous Passwork installation, then copy the SSL certificates if HTTPS connection is configured — cp -Rf /server/conf/ssl/ ./old_docker/
- Install Docker and Docker Compose
- Create and navigate to the directory where you plan to deploy the new Passwork Docker build.
- Stop the old (used) nginx container with the command — docker stop nginx && docker rm nginx
- Download the installation script — wget
- Download the migration script — wget
- Assign execution rights — chmod +x ./*.sh
- Move the created ./old_docker directory to the directory where the new Docker build is going to be deployed
- The directory should contain the following files:
- Configuration file — config.ini
- License key — passwork-*.keys
- MongoDB backup
- SSL certificates of Passwork website
- Run the script with the -md flag — sudo ./ -md
- The installation script will perform a basic installation of the latest version of Passwork available in your licence and automatically run the migration script.
- After the scripts are finished, check that the new installation is working properly and make adjustments if necessary —
- To add mail server or LDAPS protocol root certificates to trusted certificates, copy the .pem or .crt root certificates to the ./conf/custom_ca directory and restart the PHP container — docker compose restart passwork_php
- To change the SSL certificate used, copy the certificate/certificate chain to ./conf/ssl/fullchain.pem and the private key to ./conf/ssl/privkey.pem, then restart the Nginx container — docker compose restart passwork_nginx
Issue: Access error to one of the databases when trying to create a full backup:
Solution: Log in to the MongoDB management shell as the current administrator and add the role:
Updated 28 Dec 2024
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