Passwork Legacy API Reference
The API provides access to the basic features and allows you to integrate Passwork in your infrastructure or develop your own client.
- Data is sent by HTTP POST requests
- API End Point — https:///api3/
- API uses JSON format
- We strongly recommend to use an HTTPS connection
Server reply
In case of an error, response is false.
All further examples relate to response field.
Creates a new session. Returns a session code, which has to be passed with each request. The session is automatically expired each few minutes.
POST parameters:
email — User e-mail (login)
password — Authorization password
Server reply:
Field сode has to be passed with each further request to the API.Field hash helps to check if the master password is correct.
response = false
Wrong login or password.
errorCode = ban
User is banned due to repeated failed attempts to open a new session.
Gets all vaults with folders (but without passwords).
session — Session code
Server reply:
Session is expired. Needs opening a new session using openSession.
Get passwords from particular folder
POST parameters::
session — Session code
groupdId — Vault ID
categoryId — Folder ID
JavaScript-style pseudo-code.
The API works in read-only mode.