Passwork 3
Update to Passwork 4

Passwork v3 to v4 update


How to update Passwork manual


The repository is located at https://passwork.download/ — it’s available only with using git utility.

The login and password to the repository are stored in the Passwork customer portal after the purchase of Passwork has been processed. They become available in frames of your subscription to updates and technical support.

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Preparing for the update

Make a copy of the folder with the Passwork files. In case of any problems, you can roll back to your version. The files are located in these directories:

— for Windows: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\

— for Linux: /var/www/

— for Docker: /server/

Updating with Git

💡 This method is suitable if Passwork was installed using the git clone command

Open a command prompt in the Passwork folder. Then, run the following commands:


The system will automatically upload the changes.

✅ Update completed

Re-download all Passwork files

If you previously installed Passwork without using the git utility (downloaded the archive and unpacked it)

Rename the folder with Passwork, and create a new empty folder with the same name.

1. Select the installation option:

a) using the Git utility (recommended)

Make sure you have git installed. Go to the created empty folder and clone the repository:


b) through downloading a zip archive

  1. Log in the Passwork customer portal: https://passwork.download/
  2. Go to the Installation section
  3. Select the ZIP archive method for downloading the sources
  4. Select the latest available version
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2. Transfer the license keys:

Copy the files from the folder <passwork>/app/keys/ from the old version to the new one.Thus, in the folder <passwork>/app/keys/ there will be files with licenses (.lic) and one file reginfo.php (or reginfo.json)

3. Transfer the file with the settings

Copy the file <passwork>/app/config/config.ini from the old version to the new one. Compare the <passwrok>/app/config/config.ini with the template config <passwork>/app/config/config.example.ini. Perhaps the new version has additional settings.

For Windows + IIS user

IIS can reset Rewrite rules (if you delete and load the .htaccess file). Check your rewrite rules. If they are empty then repeat importing the rule like it's described in this manual.

Make sure that Passwork works correctly

In case of problems: return the previous version folder which you renamed before starting the update. Use those files in order to roll back and contact our technical support.