This instruction assumes the following Passwork location — /var/www/
- Before upgrading, if Passwork is installed in a cloud/virtual environment, create a snapshot of the virtual state of the OS to restore functionality in case of an incorrect upgrade;
- Obtain root permissions:
Create a temporary directory to receive the Passwork:
Go to the Passwork customer portal and copy the API key to get the current version:

Create an API_KEY variable with the certificate number:
Get version 7 of Passwork using the prompt:
Clear the API_KEY variable with the certificate number:
Get the current version of Passwork into a variable:
Copy the Passwork configuration files to a temporary directory:
Create an archive of the current version of Passwork to be able to roll back to a previous version:
Delete all contents from the Passwork directory:
Unzip Passwork version 7 to a physical location:
Move the copied Passwork configuration files to the new version:
Delete the update_passwork temporary directory:
Set permissions for the physical location of the Passwork:
Restart the web server and PHP:
Clear Passwork temporary cache:
Perform a cache warmup:
Go to the Passwork root location and update the Passwork version in the database: