Passwork Update
Manual updates



Obtaining the latest version of the Passwire

  • Open a web browser and go to the customer portal —;
  • Authorise on the customer portal by specifying the user's postal address;
  • In the bottom left corner, click on the "Update" → "Manual" tab and download it the current version of Passwork in .zip format:
Document image

  • Move the .zip archive to a physical/virtual server with Passwork.

Creating a backup and configuration file

Creating a backup

To create a MongoDB backup, you can use the following instructions — Examples of creating and restoring MongoDB backups

If Passwork is installed on a virtual or cloud-based operating system, we also recommend that you create a snapshot of the operating system state so that you can quickly restore Passwork functionality in case of errors.

Creating a copy of the configuration file

The main Passwork parameters are specified in the config.ini configuration file, you should create a copy of the file and save it in a separate or root directory of the user:


Updating the Passwork code and creating an archive of the old version

Code update

Rename the root directory of the Passwork code:


Create a www directory:


Unzip the current version of the Passwork code to — /var/www/:


To check, output the Passwork version from the unzipped file:


Move the config.ini configuration file and licence key from the old version:


Creating an archive of an old version

Create a Passwork archive with the version name in .zip format in the /opt/ directory:


Delete the renamed directory with the old version of Passwork:


Assign owner and set rights

After creating the /var/www/ directory, you need to change the directory owner and set permissions for the Apache web server.

DEB-based Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)


RPM-based Linux (Centos, RedHat, etc)
