Passwork update

Windows Server (installer)


We have updated the installation of Passwork on Windows Server. Instead of the PassworkSetup.exe installer, a modern and convenient installation method using the PowerShell module is now available.

Passwork Setup adds an Update Passwork item to the Start menu. This lets you update Passwork to the latest version.

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Update dialog options

1. Update online (recommended)

We recommend to update Passwork online using a certificate number. Your license type will show the version available to you, and Passwork Setup will download and install it automatically.

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2. Update from an ZIP archive file

If you don't have Internet connection, update from a ZIP archive file downloaded from the Customer portal:

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You can make a backup before updating. In C:\inetpub\wwwroot\backups there will be a directory named day_month_year-hour-minute_version containing the passwork archive with the current program files and the pwbox directory which is a backup of the database files.

Make sure that Passwork works correctly

Feel free to contact our technical support in case of any issue.