Setting up authorization in Docker
Go to the root directory of Passwork:
Run the backup script:
Stop and delete the passwork_db container:
Clear previously created MongoDB collections and data:
Edit and complete the .env variable file. Insert the following lines and specify your values:
You can't use characters in MongoDB — .,@,$,:,%,",',/,\,| in the username and password, as this may cause malfunctions in the connection of the application server to MongoDB.
Start the passwork_db container:
Check the running container:
Run the restore script:
Specify the created backup from step one:
Verify connection to MongoDB with authorisation:
You need to edit the [mongo] section of Passwork configuration file at /<passwork>/conf/keys/config.ini and specify the login and password of the created user:
Save the changes and refresh the Passwork page to test the connection with MongoDB authorisation.