Examples of authorization sett...

Setting up authorization in Windows Server


Connect and create a user in MongoDB

Connecting to shell

Run PowerShell as Administrator:

  • Right-click on the Start icon in the lower left corner of the screen;
  • Select Windows PowerShell (Administrator) from the context menu.

Connect to the MongoDB shell:


Shell connection error

If you receive the following error after executing the connect command:


Then it means that MongoDB administration utilities are not located in the $PATH environment variable, you must search for the mongosh.exe utility to connect:


If MongoDB and the administration utilities were installed on a non-standard drive, you need to change the search path in the -Path parameter.

Once executed, the current working directory will be changed to the one where the utility is located — mongosh.exe

Connect to the MongoDB shell:


Creating a user

Switch to the admin database:


Create a user by changing the Login (user) and Password (pwd) of the user:


In MongoDB, you cannot use the characters .,@,$,:,%,",',/,\,| in usernames and passwords, as this can cause issues with connection of the application server to MongoDB

If a MongoDB replica set is used, you must add the cluster manager role to the user:


Enable authorisation and connect Passwork

Enabling authorisation in MongoDB

You need to edit the MongoDB config file to enable authorisation, run the following commands in the shell to get the location:


Edit the resulting configuration file by adding a line:


Save the changes and restart the MongoDB service in PowerShell:


To test, connect to the shell with authorisation:


Setting up and connecting Passwork with authorization

You need to edit the [mongo] section of Passwork configuration file at /<passwork>/conf/keys/config.ini and specify the login and password of the created user:


Save the changes and refresh the Passwork page to test the connection with MongoDB authorisation.